Elizabeth Walsh

Registered Massage Therapist

Elizabeth Walsh (she/her) is a Registered Massage Therapist practicing since 2015. She also holds a diploma in occupational therapy and is currently nearing the end of a Bachelor of Health Science Degree. 
In her clinical practice Elizabeth uses a number of methods and modalities from deep tissue, cupping therapy, scar tissue and relaxation techniques to treat a wide variety of conditions including chronic muscle tension, whiplash, repetitive strain injuries, anxiety and sleep disorders. She also enjoys working with expectant mothers, offering prenatal and postnatal care.
With her knowledge of human sciences and rehabilitation practices, Elizabeth believes in empowering her clients with the education needed to understand their own personal health and provides the tools necessary to support them in their progress. Her clinical approach is client centered, always meeting her clients where they are without judgment and supporting them in moving forward to reach their goals.
To connect with Elizabeth, please email elizabethwalshrmt@gmail.com or follow her on Instagram and FB @elizabethwalshrmt 